Reading List for Business Associations


  •  Smart P, Lynch K, Tam A, Hong Kong Company Law: Cases, Materials and Comments, Butterworths, Hong Kong, 1997
  •  Stott V, Hong Kong Company Law, 11th ed, Longman, Hong Kong, 2005
  •  Loh S C and Wong W M F, Company Law, Powers and Accountability, Butterworths, Hong Kong, 2003
  •  Hong Kong Company Law Handbook: Companies Ordinance, 8th edn, Butterworths, Hong Kong, 2006


  • Brewer J, The Law and Practice of Hong Kong Private Companies, Sweet and Maxwell, Hong Kong, 2005
  •  Mayson S, French D, Ryan C, Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law, 22nd ed, Blackstone, London, 2006
  •  Davies P, Gower and Davies’ Principles of Modern Company Law, 7th ed, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 2003
  •  Hicks A and Goo S H, Cases and Materials on Company Law, 5th ed, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004
  •  Banks L R, Lindley and Banks on Partnership, 18th ed, Sweet and Maxwell, London, 2002
  •  Company Law in Hong Kong, looseleaf, Sweet and Maxell, Hong Kong
  •  Hong Kong Company Law: Legislation and Commentary, looseleaf, Butterworths, Hong Kong


  • Partnership Ordinance (Cap.38)
  • Companies Ordinance (Cap.32)
  • Hong Kong cases


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