Posts tagged ‘commercial law’
Requirements for PCLL Conversion Examinations
Information Package (January 2012) Information in this document applies to the Conversion Examinations that will be held in June 2012. Please note that the information in relation to Conversion Examinations that will be held after June 2012 is only advisory. This document will be updated regularly. Applicants who plan to take Conversion Examinations after June [...]
Reading List for Commercial Law
Texts Professor Paul Dobson; Rob Stokes, “Commercial Law”, 8th Edition, Sweet and Maxwell, 2011 Professor Sir Roy Goode, QC; Louise Gullifer, “Goode on Legal Problems of Credit and Security”, 4th Edition, Sweet and Maxwell, 2008 Ewan McKendrick, “Goode on Commercial Law”, 4th Edition, Butterworths LexisNexis, 2009 Vanessa Stott, “Hong Kong Company Law”, 13th Edition, Longman, [...]
Syllabus for Commercial Law
Students are required to demonstrate competence and achieve a pass in all three parts, except where they are eligible for exemption as may be approved by the Board. Part A: Sale and Acquisition of Goods Transfer of Title The rule nemo dat quod non habet Exceptions to nemo dat Legal [...]